Monday, December 3, 2012

Éxito -Success

"Cuando crees que lo hayas conseguido, aún te falta el último esfuerzo.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"When you think you made it, you still lack the last effort.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The brilliant Analyst

En la democracia actual, "La Tierra de Ratones" del genial Tommy Douglas, se ha convertido en "La Tierra de Cucarachas": los políticos han pasado directamente del engaño al aplastamiento.."

copyright Lusnoc 2012

"In actual democracy, Tommy Douglas`genious "Mouse Land"has become "Cockroach Land: politicians have directly moved from hoaxing to crushing.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

El Fin --The End

"Cuando intuyes tu fin, el colofón ya te intuyó hace tiempo.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"When you sense your end, the colophone sensed you long before.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

La Meta . The Goal

Wright Bros

"La meta, una vez alcanzada, se convierte en punto de partida.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"Once a target reached, it becomes a starting point.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Juegos Olímpicos- The Olympics

Authentic Athletes

"Los Juegos Olímpicos es ese evento deportivo donde el ego nacional se mide cuatrienalmente según la aleación del bajorrelieve cosechado.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"The Olympic Games is the sporting event where the national ego is measured  every four years, according to the harvested bas-relief alloy.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Lot of Talent, Lot of Values

"Usain Bolt deteniendo una entrevista para mostrar su respeto hacia "The Star Spangled Banner" es el paradigma de unos valores naturales solamente al alcance de unos pocos genios.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"Usain Bolt stopping an interview to show his respect for  "The Star Spangled Banner"is the paradigm of natural values only within the reach of  some few geniuses.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Sunday, July 8, 2012


Vals de Astráin

"El Impedimento del Vals de Astráin produce hemorroides a la democracia.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"The impeding of the Astráin Waltz causes hemorrhoids to democracy.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

San Fermín

Pamplona- Bull Running

"Nadie sabe quien era el primer Obispo de Amiens, aunque los encierros en su honor se conocen hasta en Mongolia.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"Nobody knows who the first Bishop of Amiens was, however the bull running in his honor are known even in Mongolia.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

La Mentira

"La Mentira es una Verdad intoxicada.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

"The Lie is an intoxicated Truth.." 
copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Manneken Pis y La Sirenita

"La Unión Europea es como el imposible matrimonio entre Manneken Pis  y la Sirenita de Copenhagen.."copyright Lusnoc 2012

"The European Union is like the impossible marriage between  Manneken Pis and the Little Mermaid from Copenhagen.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

La Ruina de Grecia- Greek Ruin

"Las ruinas Griegas: milenaria y premonitoria exhibición de la dramática ruina del país.."copyright Lusnoc 2012
"Greek ruins: millenary and premonitory exhibition of the country`s dramatic ruin.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

El Presente - The Present

"El presente es el pasado peregrinando
 hacia el futuro.."copyright Lusnoc 2012
" The present is the past  on pilgrimage towards future." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Paro- Jobless

"El paro sin amparo es miseria sin misericordia.."copyright Lusnoc 2012
"Jobless without shelter is  misery without mercy.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cristina Kirchner

"Si Cristina fuera menos Evita sería recordada más Fernández.."copyright Lusnoc 2012
"If Cristina were less Evita she would be recalled more Fernández.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

"No importa de donde vengas; importa de donde no eres.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012
"It doesn`t matter where you come from;  what matters is where you weren`t born.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Estadísticas - Statistics

"Hay pequeñas mentiras, luego las gordas y, finalmente, las estadísticas.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"There are small lies, then bigger ones and finally, statistics.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Juan José Padilla

"El coraje es un valor que no se mide; se tiene, o no se tiene..." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"Courage is a valor that cannot be measured: got it, or not.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

La Experiencia- Experience

"La experiencia es esa cosa inútil que se obtiene cuando ya no la necesitas.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"Eperience is that useless thing that you acquire when you no longer need it.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Toxo y Méndez

"Toxo y Méndez son el paradigma de lo que se puede llegar a ser, sin ser lo que realmente pretenden ser.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"Toxo and Méndez are the paradigm of what you can become to be, without being what you really pretend to be.." copyright Lusnoc 2012


Los Sindicatos

"Los sindicatos son ese incordiante tumor maligno-benigno, imposible de extirpar sin arriesgar la existencia del paciente.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The Unions are these annoying malignant-benign tumors, impossible to extirpate without risking patient`s existence.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

La Sensatez- Reasonableness

"La diferencia entre la edad cronológica y la mental se llama sensatez.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The difference between chronological and mental age is called reasonableness.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

El Vicio

"La diferencia entre la edad cronológica y la biológica se llama vicio.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The difference between chronological and biological  age is called vice.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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La Vejez

"La diferencia entre la edad mental y la cronológica se llama vejez.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The difference between chronological and mental age is called old age.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Real Madrid versus FC Barcelona

"El duelo clásico suele terminar en duelo blanco.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The classic duel usually ends with a white MOUrning.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

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Saturday, January 21, 2012


"El pisotón de Pepe le ha dolido más al Madridismo que a Messi.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"Madridism felt more pain from Pepe`s stamp than Messi did.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Igualdad ante la Ley

"La afirmación de la existencia de una equidad judicial es tan perversa como utópica" 
copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The assertion of the existence of a judicial equality is as perverse as utopian.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

Estrecho de Ormuz

"La divina teocracia de los ayatolás podría abrasarse en la hoguera molecular.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The divine theocracy of the ayatollahs could be burned at the molecular stake.." copyright Lusnoc 2012

El Rating

"Cuando Moody`s desenfunda su polígrafo, la mojigata Comisión empieza a temblar.." copyright Lusnoc 2012
"When Moody´s unholsters his polygraph , the prudish Commission starts to shiver.." copyright Lusnoc 2012


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Crisis Europea - European Crisis

"La crisis Europea es, sobre todo, una crisis de perspectiva y de autocritica.."  copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The European crisis is above all a crisis of perspective and of self-criticism.." copyright Lusnoc 2012


Saturday, January 7, 2012


"La democracia empieza en la urna y estanca su idiosincrasia en el Parlamento.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012
"Democracy starts in the urn and stalls its idiosyncrasy in Parliament.."
copyright Lusnoc 2012

Kim Jong-un

"El Gran Sucesor, vástago amadamado del Querido Líder y adiposo nieto del Gran Dirigente es, de facto, un Gran Arlequín, estéril marioneta en manos de la coerción estalinista de Pionyang.."copyright Lusnoc 2012
"The Great Sucesor, epicene scion of the Dear Leader and adipose grandson of the Great Ruler is, de facto, a Great Harlequin, sterile puppet in hands of the Pionyang Stalinist coercion.."copyright Lusnoc 2012